
Hello there my little blog reader! Welcome to my blog, which is pretty small at the moment but that just means less reading for you if you can be bothered at all!

I hope you have fun reading, if you don't, then you must be deluded ;)

Top tip of the day: High blood pressure sufferers. Simply cut youself and bleed for a while, thus reducing the pressure in your veins.

Tuesday 6 September 2011

World scout jamboree continued...

So, lets start of where we left:

Day 7! (30.7.11) - Quest!
Finally, a good activity! Quest was an awesome activity. there were 4 parts to it: Conquest, cave, viking and medieval, i mean come on, you have to say that sounds pretty good! First we did medieval which was a set of quite easy tasks, such as making a ball go through some plastic tubes (riviting to say the least), making a puzzle blindfolded (interesting), and pulling a wooden castle from one square to another, which sounds easy, but it was actully quite difficult because the ropes were mixed up, so it went a different direction to what you thought it would. Next was cave, which was a very impressivly made maze in the forrest (made by wrapping black cloth around tree's so you couldn't go though) in which we had to do more tasks to get numbers, these numbers in turn would let us out of the maze. Next we did conquest, an obstical couse. The obsticals were relitively easy, but there was quite a lot of running involved which i am completly terrible at and will most likley die during long periods of running, so therefore i came 3rd last (go me!) and almost died in the process, your very lucky im here. Next was viking which was also pretty cool and there were REAL *cough* vikings! They growled and everything, but that might be because they were particularly nasty IST members. In viking were a few tasks my favorate being a task where you stood on a triangle (pioneered of course, as everything *cough* was pioneered this 'simply' scouting camp) which had a rope attatched and you were lowered, by your team mates to the ground where you picked up a bean bag, your 'life' was litrally in their hands, a scary thought!
An interesting day to say the least, and best of all, it was a beautiful day! hurrah!

Day 8 (31.7.11) - Camp in Camp
Today we headed for a traditional Swedish camp after waiting FORVER for the bus, sound familiar? Yes, well its because we waited for ever for everything! Anyway, The bus diver was really funny but i didn't listen to most of the things he was saying because, as per usual on buses, i slept. When we got there it was beautiful, the sun was shining, the birds were singing, the grass was green and there was a BIG ASS lake.
The (big ass) lake ^^ 
 We walked the short distance from the bus to the campsite in which we were staying which contained dining shelters that were made by hand and lots of teepee's which we slept in. These were pretty cool but not temperature cool because they were absolutly BOILING during the day, im not kidding, 1 minute in there and you'll suffocate and you're eyes will melt, it wasn't pretty, many people unfortunatly lost their eyes. In these tents, all 10 of us: 2 girls and 8 boys slept. This was not a good thing because one member of our unit of which i shall not mention *cough* Joss *cough* snores like a frigging whale. The only problem with this beautiful campsite however was the water. They got the water from the lake and i don't                                                                                                 The teepee!     ^^                                              think they did any sort of filtering to it because they said it was clean, but it bloody wasn't because it was YELLOW. Don't know if you've ever noticed, but water isn't yellow unless i am mistaken. It was pretty vile and tasted of metal but we had to drink it because it was so hot!
Today however, we did water activities and it was brilliant. First we did canoeing, which was hilarious because the whale snorer fell in, brilliant! We then played hockey, which may sound boring, but it was on a plastic sheet, covered in soapy water. I'll tell you this, it turned rather violent.

 <-- The home made dining shelter

Then i took of my top and pants, the boys stared with mouth's wide open because i am so mind-boggingly beautiful (in fact, some of them fainted) and went in the lake, which was by the way FREEZING. I was under the impression it was going to be warmish, but OH NO, not in this lake, the bitch. At night we had a very cool Swedish camp fire where they sung some swedish songs (of which we hummed along to) and some other countries came up and sung some pretty crappy song and then, we came up (meaning two of our patrol members) and sang Marylin Monroe, which made everyone happy. We. Are. Awesome. All the little Swedish kids were singing it in the morning, so cute, although the lyrics are perhaps a little inappropriate for children of the age of 5. Although im sure the Swedes don't know what see-through bra's, or magical hips are, its fine. :)

Day 9 (1.8.11) - More camp in camp
I was not impressed at the slightest this morning when a very anoying man with a trumpet started blowing his instrument (hur hur) at 7:00 this morning. I mean come on, 7! I'm assuming it was the same guy at 8:30 at flag break playing the trumpet while they were putting up the flag, which for some reason i found HILARIOUS, very dirty looks gained there. Today we did forest activities. The first forest activity was 'captrure the flag' again the Belgians, who totally cheated, but ended in a draw, even though they had the cheek to tell everyone they won! Tssk! Then i made a pretty necklace (very foresty, clearly) out of tin.
We got back on the bus about 1 and i slept the whole way back, what a supprise, im sure its an illness to sleep so deeply everytime im on a bus.

Day 10 (2.8.11) - Earth and the beach
The activity today was 'Earth' which we were told was not very good and could be much better, good start! (so we secretly planned to go to the beach instead, but we would have to go to the activity in the morning)
When we got there there we found out there was 4 parts to it, although we only did 2: Oxygen and wind. Oxygen didn't have ANYTHING to do with oxygen the element. We had to write about natural problems in our area, we clever dicks (i had nothing to do with the decision or the final product) wrote about costal erosion. In 'wind' we made a pretty little windmill, which sort of failed, but also worked! Hurrah, we succeed in something! Then we went for lunch and buggered off to the beach so we didn't have to endure the other parts of earth which im sure would be very hippy and we would all come out wearing tie-dye t-shirts. The beach was absolutly beautiful and the sea was properly warm, unlike the nipple hardning lake in the middle of Sweden and the rather cooler north sea. So we played around and sunbathed for a few hours and came back thoroughly relaxed!

The Beach ---> 
Day 11 (3.8.11) - Cultural day
Everyone is ill! And everyone else is paranoid that they'll be next, 11 out of 40 have now fallen i'll and i bet there will be many more...
Anyway, on to happier things, cultural day was awesome. Almost all contingents had food that they made and was from their country. We made 'singing hinnies', basically flat scones, they were loverly. My favorate though was the people from Trinidad and Tobago who had battered swordfish with this spicy sauce that looked like soy sauce and mango chutney, it was LUSH
At night there was a big stage performance which was much like the opening ceremony, however i thought that there was going to more CULTURAL stuff, but no. It was just music really.
That night was then the activity 'dream' which was highly anticipated and our last activity of the jamboree as a whole. It was pretty cool and was basically a walk though the woods in the middle of the night along lantern lit paths. The idea was that we started at death, which was represented by a tent full of smoke which i thought i was going to choke to death in, but when you actully went in it was fine. We then worked backwards from death with silly little tasks. One of these was do make up a person and it asked questions about their job and hobbies etc. We made a guy called CHAD (must be said in an american accent) who was a professer of marine biology and liked to scoober dive. We then had to draw chad on this big board with chalk, but we just drew lots of penis's on it because we are hugely mature, obviously. Although the funniest part was the exit of dream which i will let your imagination draw a picture of, but think about it, we started at death to birth, and the exit was meant to be birth. Keyword: EXIT. So yeah, it made me giggle, a lot. Again, maturity taking hold.
A very good day all in all, but long as we didn't get to bed till like 2 in the morning...

Day 12 (4.8.11) - Free day
Today was a free day so that we can have a lie-in after dream, and boy did I take that opportunity! Most people, including me when i eventually woke up, spent the day trying to swap things as the jamboree was comming to an end. I managed to swap my spare uniform for a 'boy scouts of america' again must be said in an american accent, one which is pretty awesome. I also swapped my spare UK jacket for a spanish one :)
After wor tea, Me, Abi and Mundy went to swap more things. Robbie also cam along and managed, hilariously, to swap his UK necker for a pair of Ski's! Abi also, stupidly, did the same thing but later realised it was a bad idea so decided to try and swap it with a german guy who already at home had 6 pairs! They argued for AGES. She eventually (and i mean eventually, it was getting dark and we must have been there for like 2 hours) managed to swap the ski's for a scottish guys rugby shirt. Then the German guy swapped the rugby shirt for this bloody necker we'd just been trying to get for the past 2 frigging hours! Bloody foreigners.

Continued tomorrow...

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