
Hello there my little blog reader! Welcome to my blog, which is pretty small at the moment but that just means less reading for you if you can be bothered at all!

I hope you have fun reading, if you don't, then you must be deluded ;)

Top tip of the day: High blood pressure sufferers. Simply cut youself and bleed for a while, thus reducing the pressure in your veins.

Wednesday 31 August 2011

Day 4 in the big ass (sarcasm alert) blog!

Did you, or did you not read out that title in a Geordie accent? I thought so. Big brother is brain washing us all, which is bad because soon our minds will melt and come out of our noses, its not going to be a pretty sight people!
And yes i know, before you start whinging <-- (i've just spent almost 10 minutes of my life trying to work out how that bugger was spelt, stupid silent H's) at me, i know its been more that 4 days, but im counting posts because i was away at the weekend.

So, as i am sure you have already guessed if you have been reading my other posts, i would like to become a nurse and i have made this blog so to convince anyone that is from a university how much i actully want to be a nurse. This is because unfortunatly i can only write about my desires in 4000 characters on my UCAS form, which is utterly stupid because i could never convey this in 4000 words, so im cheating... sort of. If anyone is reading this from a university, Hello!

My interest in nursing came from when i was much younger, smaller and pretty stupid (i.e i was in the second lowest class in both setted subjects, English and Maths) at the tender age of 7. When i was 7 i contracted a disease called henoch-schonlein purpura, also known as HSP. Don't worry, the name terrified me too, but it is names so because the people who found out what this disease was were two scientists called Henoch and Schonlein, obviously Brttish scientists, as you can tell. It is called Purpura because of the nature of the boils and spots that develop on the skin, i.e. they are purple. HSP is a rather unknown (at the time i had it anyway) and rare disease, where the immune system attacks itself, resulting in rather horrible boils on the skin, mainly near joins, so the elbows, knees, feet, and rather hilariously me bottom! So yes, it was rather horrible and i had to stay in hospital for a number of weeks, i can't remember how long but at the time it felt like years.

During this stay in hospital i had one main nurse that looked after me and i remember the first time i met her. I was lying in my bed, in quite a lot of pain with my mam next to me and a nurse comes walking towards me, and i am not going to lie, it was quite terrifying, the main reason why was that she had a shaved head, so looked like a cage fighter, no kidding. I remember my mam sitting next to me saying 'please don't let it be her.' But, it was. She came over and greeted us with a hello and a 'My name is Hayley and I'll be looking after you.' She must have saw the PURE TERROR in my eyes because she then explained that the reason she has a shaved head was that she had been on holiday and contracted a serious disease which meant she has to go to hospital and they shaved her head. And then she smiled, and im not kidding even though this may make some week stomached people throw up, it was if all of my worry about being in hospital had faded away.

Over the next few weeks Hayley looked after me and cared for me. She was the nicest, most caring and loving people i have ever met in all of my life. She was brilliant. I remember lying there as she took my blood pressure (of which she then let me play with later, and i watched my arm slowly go blue, quite facinating) thinking, i wish i was Hayley. Then it struck me, I can be her, I can be a nurse!

So from then on i wanted to be a nurse, and i put all my efforts into trying. I actully started trying in school and i went from almost bottom set, to almost the top set. Then when i got to high school i realised i would have to try much harder because i wasn't born with a natural intellegence, much to my horror. So i tried and tried, and after a few failed attempts, i finally started to receive C's and B's, then eventually, in year 11 i recieved my first A! I was amazed! Then i realised i can actully achieve my goal, i can actully become a nuse! And hopefully, in the next yar and a bit, i will be training to do so.

So i encorage all those who think they can't, to go for their goals because that is what will make you happy, which i feel is the most important thing in life.

Bon Voyage!

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