
Hello there my little blog reader! Welcome to my blog, which is pretty small at the moment but that just means less reading for you if you can be bothered at all!

I hope you have fun reading, if you don't, then you must be deluded ;)

Top tip of the day: High blood pressure sufferers. Simply cut youself and bleed for a while, thus reducing the pressure in your veins.

Wednesday 24 August 2011

An introduction into my unimportant existance and why i am here

Hello Blogger.com, i have found your lonley little website here and decided to make other bloggers lives here a little bit more interesting by reading about my unimportant existance, which from what i am sure you can already tell, is going to be an interesting ride.

I am a girl (well i think so) called Megan (which i also think so, although i'll be very dissapointed if i find my parents have been lying to me for 17 years of my life, although that would be quite funny, to lie about your childs name... Hmm...) and as you can tell from that little tangent, i am 17 well, just 17, but 17 nevertheless!

Okay, thats the essentials... what else? Ah yes, why im here. Well, i am here primarily because, not so long back, probably a few months i attended a nursing conference with a good friend of mine (i'll tell you all about this at a later date) where we attended an EDGE session who was run by a brilliant guy however for the life of me i cannot remember what his name was, which is such a shame because he was brilliant! He said that i should set up a blog so to document all of the things i should, and hopefully will, do in order to make the chances of getting into university to do nursing a lot higher. This blog should hopefully remind me of the things i do so i can talk about them in detail to whoever will listen to me (which is probably few but here we go).

However, for all those who couldn't care less about nursing, and just wants to read this blog to have a bit of fun and hopefully a couple of laughs, i will also accomodate for you, and try to make this blog not boring, although i don't think i could make this blog boring because i'll give up meself.

Okay well, thats enough rambling for today, i'll leave you in peace now.

Oh, and for further note, my spelling and grammer is terrible, so please forgive the probably countless mistakes that will ensue, i am not an author, so therefore i don't have an editor or publisher, all i have is my brain, which can often let me down. In the words of my fomer English teacher: "She's not a natural speller, is she? "

Bon Voyage!

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