
Hello there my little blog reader! Welcome to my blog, which is pretty small at the moment but that just means less reading for you if you can be bothered at all!

I hope you have fun reading, if you don't, then you must be deluded ;)

Top tip of the day: High blood pressure sufferers. Simply cut youself and bleed for a while, thus reducing the pressure in your veins.

Thursday 25 August 2011

Next update: Tuesday!

I was planning to update the past few months of my life per day because i didn't want to blow all of your minds all in one day, but I was out most of the day today to cinema to watch Captain America! (review will come at the end of this post) And then tomorrow morning im heading to the Edinburgh fringe festival, Yay! So therefore i won't, unfortunatly be able to update untill tuesday, sorry bloggers! So in the next post i'll talk about why i want to be a nurse, which i'm sure you'll fine extremely interesting!

So, quickly, Captain America! I was really looking forward to this film because i love the comics (well from the ones i have read, which is limited, but still, you can tell how good the book will be from the first chapter, and i found Captain America's 'first chapter' rather interesting and exiting) and i love the superhero genre. I had to debate between seeing Captain America and the Inbetweeners movie, which i also really wanted to see! And i have to say i completely and utterly wished i went to see the Inbetweeners. Captain America was possibly one of the worst films i have EVER seen in all of my life. It was i film i new that would either be amazing or completely S**t, and let me let you it was deffinatly the latter. It was so over the top and fake i actually got annoyed at quite a few points. One of the worst parts of the film was the german accents, and im sure many germans watching this film would commit suicide over how bad they were, and also how bias the film was. The americans seem to think that by changing every W into a word into a V this counts as a german accent, Ja, zey do indeed, i mean vhat ze 'ell? It was also unbelievibly predictable, as soon as you saw the pretty woman (who had a Brittish accent) you know Captain America would fall in love with her, i was almost sick. The only thing that i got wrong was the fact that the Brittish woman was not evil, because usually, as in ALL american films, the Brittish are evil.

The only thing about this film that was good was the fact it was so bad me and my good friend could have a brilliant laugh over how hilariously bad it was, so it turned into a comedy!

Rating out of 10: 2

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